We Knew

The American people deserve an apology for the almost four years of pain endured by Biden’s failed presidency. Of all the qualities listed, competence and cognition were left off the list. It’s not surprising. Following the debate, CNN and MSNBC were both saying Biden lost and needed to be replaced. They said he looked old and couldn’t deliver his message. Yet, those paying attention knew this all along.

Now, both will have to convince viewers he needs to go after those viewers were told up until the debate that Biden was fine. Suddenly, within minutes, people are supposed to believe his mind turned to mush. Many will do so because they believe what they are told. Had they been told the truth, the democratic propaganda networks wouldn’t be in this position. There will be no remorse when they change the narrative and do an immediate 180.

So now some people will feel sorry for the grandfatherly older man. But I won’t feel sorry for the democrats for perpetrating this fraud on the people of this country. The democrats have a big tent, and Biden as their self-proclaimed leader means any replacement will be just as bad.

Biden said at the debate that one-half of Americans hate democracy, in other words, the United States. This is not true. My anger is directed at those in the Democratic party who co-opted it to bring America to its knees. Today, we remain standing.

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