Hero Or Not

The standard definition of a hero is a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. I would add self-sacrificing. Trump qualifies as a hero under this definition.

Since 2015, he has faced a barrage of attacks. He has always been successful in each attack, with one notable exception, but vindication appears to come on appeal.

The attacks have been by the government entrenched against him and by their media allies. Those very same people have talked about going after those who support him. With all that happened, including ordinary citizens regarding J6 and even school board meetings, his words, “They’re coming after you—and I’m just standing in their way,” ring true.

Everything has backfired, and the Left has gotten desperate. That’s the storyline. So, the answer is assassination. Except for a turn of the head toward a monitor, the bullet goes through his ear, not his head. It almost seems providential, as though by divine intervention.

Trump goes down. More gunshots are heard. Then he rose, and the former president immediately embodied a stance of defiance and solidarity. Trump is seen, an American Flag flying over his head, blood on his ear and cheek, and fist rai raised in the air, urging those who rallied to see him continue in the battle of good vs. evil, as he was rushed off the stage.

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