Okay, maybe I got it wrong at first, but yes, the world will end tomorrow. I know this because I read it on the Internet. Several theories are given, and some make sense. One theory holds that there will be a shift in the magnetic poles. This one is the most plausible because, for years, we’ve been told there’s a north pole and south pole, but they’re not located at the top of the world.
So, Santa may live at the North Pole, but it is not the true magnetic North Pole. No one can because we had little magnets implanted in our feet when we were born, and repulsion would keep flipping us over if we tried. Besides, how does anyone know they’re both not the same, meaning they would repel each other if they came together? And they will tomorrow and when that happens, the earth explodes or spins wildly. Plus, the magnetic field of the earth is weak. A refrigerator is stronger, so when the poles come together, we start spinning fast, thrown into space, or really dizzy.
Then there’s the Nibiru cataclysm wiping us out. NASA is working frantically to dispel this theory and call it Planet X, but that’s just to throw you off. It’s an old professional wrestling gimmick. That mysterious dude with a mask on was tough and came out of nowhere, beating up good guys.
The idea is that we can see it by now if ludicrous. It could be traveling 4 or 5 times the speed of light. I know NASA put out a video showing that on December 22nd, we wouldn’t be living in a Mad Max world, but keep in mind, those are the same people who insist a man landed on the moon when 5% of the American people believe the whole thing was staged on a Hollywood set. Clearly, another 6% don’t know. Remember, too, NASA is tied with the government-Nuff said! Plus, Planet X will disrupt our magnetic field, and we already know what that means. So go with the Mad Max ending.
Some attribute it to global warming or climate change. We name winter storms now, and right now, and it’s only the middle of December, the Midwest, a few years ago, got pounded with snow by Storm Draco. Odd name, isn’t it? It reminds me of Donnie Darko; we all know how that ended. Well, actually, I don’t because I’ve watched it several times and never understood it, but my guess is it’s bad. Draco is a code name for Darko. By the way, doom and day both start with a ‘d’ too. DoomsDay is tomorrow.
Not so bad for me. on page, I was going to start a series I don’t want to do, so I won’t. I also have a question about health insurance I promised to get to, which now I can ignore. I did schedule a haircut for tomorrow, but only because my wife insisted, I get one. So not going to worry about doing it either.
Oh yeah, and for those saying, people over the International Dateline already made it to December 22nd. No, actually, they didn’t. The Mayans were in Pacific Standard Time.
I think a giant battlestar is out there, and we’re all going to get sucked into a giant black hole until the 22nd but several thousand years from now, but as we cross the horizon, time will virtually stop, and it will be 2013. If you go alone, everyone you know will be dead. But since we are all going together, the 22nd will just be another day.