I went to a presential inauguration once.
I’d love to have attended to see Trump sworn in. It’s historic. Watching it televised may work out better, though. I went to Super Bowl X in 1976, and one of the best catches by Swann looked like nothing special from the stands. There were no big screens in stadiums back then.
I didn’t realize how good it was until I saw it on TV later. It was in Miami, but the weather was cold and rainy. I remember buying a Pete Rozelle windbreaker to try to keep warm. Television is a better option. Streaming is better because you can go back and listen to something again.
I went to see Carter’s inauguration in 1977. I worked in the local Democrat party then and had a close relationship with our county Democrat chairman. He was the Ohio Democrat chairman in 1968 and cast the votes of Ohio for Hubert Humphrey. This upset people in the county, and local politics became nasty.
Getting an official invite was easy enough. My then girlfriend’s sister was one of Sen. Mansfield’s top staffers. Mansfield has an incredible life story. When the upgrade was made, Senator Mansfield was the Senate Majority Leader, so she talked to him and got us moved into the peanut gallery—no pun intended. Four years later, I voted against Carter.