Twilight Daylight Savings Time Zone

I enjoyed the extra sunlight yesterday evening, one more hour than the day before. The president has mentioned changing it to standard time all the time.

But Trump hasn’t firmly committed to being for or against scrapping Daylight Saving Time. Back in December, he sounded like he wanted it gone, but this month, on March 6, he shrugged it off as a “50-50 issue.”


I’m for keeping it forever—I love the extra evening light. This is probably because, as kids, we played outside until it got dark. Sunsets at 5 p.m. or earlier in the northern US don’t make for a fun time.

Trump can’t change Daylight Saving Time on his own; Congress must pass a law. While I like DST myself, States can already opt out, so let them decide. It can make a difference, depending on where you live.

Not to mention the problem this would have caused in the Back to Future movies, both going and coming.



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