

I loved Westerns as a kid. Some of my favorites are missing here, like Guy Madison as Wild Bill, for one(since I had the whole outfit and lunchbox and loved the guy).

Not to get all 2nd Amendment here on shootings, but I had just about every gun there was, realistic in those days. While we’d have “realistic” gunfights and hunt with real guns, there are no school shootings that I recall except Charles Whitman, and I’m pretty darn sure it had nothing to do with Westerns. The Cowboys, then, when shot, didn’t even bleed.

I do not see Gunsmoke or Have Gun, Will Travel here. And since Sugarfoot and Bronco are here, Cheyenne should be, too. Lots of old TV shows are missing. And then there were the movies.

Caps were an expense but cheap. I bought mine at the local pharmacy by the boatload, plus single caps for derringers, like my Maverick belt buckle gun. Maybe I had too many rolls of caps because I would take a roll at a time and slam it with a hammer.


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