Leftist Hate


I no longer have many liberal friends. It stopped around the time I supported Trump in 2016. I didn’t stop being their friends; they stopped being mine. Being unfriended or blocked on Facebook-Meta isn’t the end of the world. Then, it spread offline.

Obviously, I was brainwashed. I was labeled a racist, xenophobe, misogynist, etc. If a word ending with “ist,” “phobe,” or “ism”, it was me. None of it was true, and the attacks were ad hominem, not on issues.

The problem was that I couldn’t think for myself. But when I listen to Legacy Media on any given day, it’s like it gets together each morning and comes up with a phrase, repeated verbatim by various pundits all day long. Now, to me, that’s the inability to think for yourself.

My inability to think for myself was rooted in my lack of education, which led to ignorance. I barely made it through high school, driven by sheer boredom and other alluring distractions. However, this changed when I pursued higher education.

I went to college, then graduate school, and got accepted to law school. At the time, I was told that one in 12 were accepted to law school. I have no clue. I know we were drowned the first year in bookwork, seemingly to weed us out. A lot quit, so if that was the plan, it worked.

They love to cling to that stereotype that all Trump voters drink PBR-I did-live in trailers-I grew up around these folks, and they were good, hard-working people- and didn’t graduate high school. They sincerely believed it. I laugh at their absurdity now. These are people who can’t define a woman without a biology degree and believe a man needs to use tampons or can give birth.

I came to understand that they were never really my friends. Real friends give each other a pass; losing friends is one thing. Losing family members takes it to a new level. It reminds me of the Civil War, in which brothers fought on opposite sides. It’s sad but true that even family members can’t overlook politics.

Friendship and family shouldn’t end for these reasons, but they can and do. I have read that this has happened to many others and have lived it. I’m willing not to discuss beliefs with certain people, but I won’t sacrifice my principles for those who insist, nor would I ask another to do so.

I will explain why I’m right; sometimes, in person, it works better than online. The media is the true force of propaganda and feeds the gullibility of the masses. I get my info from both sides, although admittedly more from conservative-leaning sources than liberal ones.

It shows us the danger of allowing a media complex to take sides and the threat of allowing political parties and politicians to accept private donations for favors. This brings up another point: Along these lines, I don’t use the word “liberal” much anymore. The term has changed since I was young.

At one time, both liberals and conservatives shared a common interest in America; the difference was the means to the end. It’s why Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neil could fight like cats and dogs yet admire each other. I seldom use the term Democrats because I believe it’s becoming an extinct breed. The WalkAway folks typically say, “I didn’t leave the democrats party; the democrat party left me.” It’s a fair assessment. I use Left but consider it to be a hate group.

Half the people in this country are willing to forcefully and violently work on behalf of a system that was robbing them of their money and their freedoms. That’s the strength of propaganda. I say, stand your round. You’re correct, and they’re wrong.










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