Just a day of reflection. It wasn’t all that long ago when cartoon characters became threatening, or a childhood movie I liked? So Dumbo, Peter Pan, and The Aristocats are harmful to young children, and the Swiss Family Robinson, a favorite of mine when young, is bad.
The above is Disney. The reality is I was more into Warner Brothers. It was a little more violent but less complicated than Disney characters. Disney let us know Pluto was a dog. We thought Goofy was a dog, but he wasn’t because he wore clothes. That made him a dude that looked like a dog. Plus, a dog dude can talk. Think Pluto for a real dog.
I never liked Dumbo, but I’m sure someone probably did. I’m still trying to figure out Peter Pan, but my guess is there is something sinister about him. I don’t know who The Aristocats are, but I know this: I hate ’em now.
The first three are racist and/or don’t paint a pretty picture of Native Americans, but once you hit seven years old, if I understand everything, you can handle and watch it.
The Swiss Family Robinson was flagged for portraying the pirates as a “foreign menace.” Well, I remember the movie, and actually, they were. I vividly remember the battle scene and a pirate making his way up the hill and getting hit in the head with a big rock. Maybe I was over the magic age of seven and could handle it because I didn’t bop many people on the head with a rock after seeing it.
I even read the book, and what the wokies are missing here is that it takes place around 1800, or maybe they’re not missing the point. Why? That’s around when this country’s somewhat canceled third president was in office. You know the guy.
The POTUS at the time thought the Barbary pirates were a menace and sent battleships and stuff there. They fought around Tripoli and places in foreign lands and won everything. And the Marines decided to have a hymn, and in the very second line, it’s there, “To the shores of Tripoli.” So they were battling the foreign menace if you think about it.
All very odd is my thought, but I can’t figure out how Johnny Bravo survives this. The dude is oozing toxic masculinity and chauvinistic-not a good role model for boys under seven. And let’s not forget my favorite, Clutch Cargo. This animated series was ahead of its time.
Maybe Clutch, a man’s man, survives because he has a soft side. He always had his young ward, Spinner, the boy with the odd name. Spinner had no human friends but his trusty pet dachshund, Paddlefoot.
And those pirates look menacing to me, by the way.
Here’s a link to a story about Disney characters. It doesn’t include the pantless Pluto.